

I want to make your experience with me as easy as possible! I won’t weigh you down with rules, but there are a couple things I request from you to make sure everything runs smoothly and to ensure we are on the same page:

  • All wedding orders require a $100.00 non refundable deposit to hold the date.

  • Any order totaling over $150.00 will require a $50.00 deposit.

  • All wedding orders are required to sign a contract.

  • All orders placed must be paid for the week of pick up/delivery. Orders will not be released/delivered until payment is received in full. This protects our time and efforts.

  • Bep’s Bake House is not responsible for orders after they have been picked up and or delivered safely.

  • If you have any diatery restrictions or allaergies, please be aware thta we cannot guarntee allergen free products as we are not an allergen free kitchen.

  • While inspiration photos are welcomed and encouraged, please keep in mind that Bep’s Bake House has its own unique style and expertise, so these photos will be used as a reference tool rather than a direct interpretation.

    Thank you for your cooperation!